Both these youtube clips give a great quick understanding of ice core research in Antarctica which is the direction I want to head in for looking at specifically for my exhibition.
This first video (below) gives a good understanding of what ice core research is and how it is carried out by drilling into the ground.
This video goes deeper into the science side of whats done with the ice cores once they have been drilled out of the ground and what an ice core is made up of.
In the video below between 2:30 to 3:50 talks about Claud Lorius who discovered the importance of ice cores and his personal research.
-Interesting points that I picked up from this 11minute youtube clip-
-Scientists predicted that the ice cores
would show annual weather reports since the beginning of the last ice age
-They thought the more heavy water, the
warmer the climate but this was not necessarily the case
Appx. 6:00 to 7:00
-If you look to the future what to expect
some smooth curves what we can hope for the change will come smoothly sometimes
it came smoothly in the past sometimes it can abruptly and surprisingly and the
more surprised you are the less ready you are for it the harder it is to deal
Richard Alley
Pennsylvania State University
Geoscience professor
-No single temperature record from anywhere
can prove or disprove global warming, because the temperature is a local
record, and one site is not the whole world
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