Thursday 19 March 2015


Week four review on narrative and exhibition space was very helpful.  Initially I was headed in the direction of educating the public about the important research that occurs on Antarctica but now I'm headed in a slightly different direction.  The outcome of this scientific research is to get an idea of climate change/ global warming in the past and predicting what may happen in the future. It is quite clear that humans are speeding up climate change due to pollution etc.  For my narrative now I am explaining the effects of global warming on Antarctica in regards to ice melting as temperatures are rising and so sea levels rising which effects the whole world.

-Sea levels rising due to global warming-

To show this narrative for my exhibition I am going to need a 12metre long shipping container to create a much greater effect on the public.  When a person enters the exhibition the space will be lit with lights going from cool to warm to hot (infrared lights) and the strength of the lights will also change. This will stimulate a temperature change in the space and the darker lighting also emits a warmer atmosphere.  Along either side of the walls will be elevating water levels from the start to the end on a diagonal representing the water levels rising and these will have water in them so it is more realistic. Walking through the space the lighting will get dimmer but right at the end will be something to draw you in, spot lit up.  I was thinking maybe a drips of water and maybe this sound would then echo throughout the container so the noise and light at the end will draw you in.  On the wall I was thinking of putting a 'quote' or something of importance, not too much information as I think this won't be absorbed and will come across as quite boring.  The sentence 'Don't wait till it's too late" has so far stood out to be more than anything else so I will start with this idea and then explore further with others.

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